Board Performance Reviews

Strengthen your Board’s performance through better governance, leadership and risk management.

Board Performance Reviews

What is a Board Performance Review?

Accredited Board Reviewer

How Our Board Performance Reviews Add Value

Our Board Performance Reviews are not one-size-fits-all. We understand that every organisation is unique. We offer customised reviews that are specifically tailored to your organisation’s goals, challenges, and culture. This means you get insights that are directly relevant to your situation, helping you achieve excellence in board performance and decision-making.

Here is how we add value to your Board Performance Reviews:

Customised Board Evaluations

Our Board Performance Reviews are not one-size-fits-all.  We understand that every organisation is unique. We offer customised reviews that are specifically tailored to your organisation’s goals, challenges, and culture. Our focus is on delivering prioritised insights tailored to your specific situation helping you achieve excellence in board performance and decision-making.

Our approach combines data analysis with a deep understanding of your organisation’s nuances. We provide you with three-dimensional data-driven insights, ensuring comprehensive sourcing from various internal and external parties that engage with the board. We produce actionable recommendations that are aligned with your strategic objectives, empowering your board to make informed decisions that drive growth and success.

By tailoring our reviews to your organisation, we focus on the areas that matter most to you. The concerns that matter to you, your chairman, or CEO require careful consideration to improve their contributions to the overall effectiveness of the board, foster stronger leadership, and implement better governance practices. Our goal is to help your board reach its full performance potential and deliver value to your stakeholders.

We prioritise confidentiality and trust in every step of the review process. Your organisation’s unique situation as well as personal perspectives and contributions, are handled with the utmost discretion, respect, and understanding. Through these trusted relationships and inquiries, we gain insights into the nuances of the challenges you are facing. We offer honest, constructive feedback and recommendations that contribute to overall improved board performance.

Our tailored approach delivers value beyond the review. We collaborate with you to develop a governance plan that serves as the framework for the effective implementation of recommended changes. This plan incorporates review points to systematically monitor progress over time. Led by the Company Secretary (or equivalent) and executed by the Directors and governance processes, the governance plan ensures that your board continually evolves and adapts to meet the changing needs of your organisation.

Our track record says it all. We have successfully tailored and delivered numerous board performance reviews for a diverse range of organisations, helping them gain a deeper understanding on the issues that impede their board dynamics. We ensure organisations are optimised to achieve their goals, thrive in their unique environments, and attain sustainable growth.

Our team consists of experienced professionals who specialise in board dynamics. We collaborate with Directors, the CEO, the Company Secretary, and the Chair, pinpointing areas for personal improvement in their contributions to the team effort. Drawing upon a wealth of knowledge, experience, skills, and expertise, we enrich our one-to-one conversations, turning them into enjoyable learning experiences and ensure that your tailored board performance review is comprehensive and insightful.

Tailoring doesn’t mean exorbitant costs. We tailor our approach to align with your company, industry, maturity, scheduling, time constraints, and budget. We are effective, agile and lead the project with senior-level team members. Despite the high-calibre engagement you’ll encounter, we remain mindful of the balance between value and expenditure, ensuring the project is cost-effective.

Accredited Board Reviewer

Providing independent Board Performance Reviews for enhanced Board effectiveness.

Our Board Performance Review Service Offerings

We provide a variety of modular Board Performance Reviews designed to meet the unique needs of your organisation, helping ensure its ongoing success and future readiness. Our approach is highly flexible and can be tailored to suit your specific requirements. 

A key feature of our service is our ability to adapt to your needs, budget, and desired outcomes, aligning with your governance and boardroom dynamics.

Full Spec

Our Full Spec Board Performance Reviews typically include:


Our Tailored Board Performance Reviews typically include:

Strengthen your Board’s Performance Through Better Governance, Leadership and Risk Management

Light Touch

Our Light Touch Board Performance Reviews typically include:


Our Questionnaire Board Performance Reviews typically include:

In our board performance review, when assessing the performance of each Director, a detailed analysis is conducted under specific headings such as character, capabilities, communication, contribution, engagement, skills, experience, leadership, and more. This structured approach provides a comprehensive evaluation.

If individual Director assessments are not explicitly part of the project scope, the gathered information is still utilised and contributes to supporting improvement recommendations for the overall board performance. However, without the specific inclusion of one-to-one feedback for each Director, the assessment remains more generalised.

During our reviews, we prioritise social, trust and interpersonal skills equally with technical skills, industry expertise and corporate structural design. From experience we know that all need to exist in balance and with sufficient diversity to achieve the optimal levels of decision making. The result will be a Board that can transcend its current limitations and achieve true excellence.

The recommendations, encompassed into the governance plan, once debated and prioritised by the board, are the foundation to deliver a high performing board.

Our Commitment

As part of our commitment to driving sustained improvement, our board performance review includes two half hour follow up meetings to support either the Board Chair, Company Secretary or Director.

These meetings can address either implementation, new arising issues, personal questions or frustration as well as governance matters.

This commitment, and offer of time, can be drawn up as and how you wish to spend it, ensuring the right outcomes are reached.

Ready to take your board’s performance to the next level?

Feel free to get in touch to find out how we can help empower your board to perform at its best.

Please reach out to Sharon Constançon of Genius Boards for a no commitment, free conversation or contact us directly.
How we can help your Board

Strengthen your Board’s Performance Through Better Governance, Leadership and Risk Management

Latest Insights

“Group Thinking” or lack of courage to ask the tough and strategic questions is the chief weakness on Boards today.
Pearl Zhu

Connect with Our Founder & CEO
Sharon Constançon

Board Evaluation Expert, Mentor & Advocate for Good Governance

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